Virial Paul

Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for informs you about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is mandatory from 25/05/2018 in the new context of the European Union.

We have created this website with the main and sole purpose of serving our customers. In order to achieve the best service for you, it is important for you to understand that you must provide us with specific information regarding the processing of your order, which we will safeguard.

This Privacy Statement describes the method of data collection from the website This Privacy Statement refers solely to your personal data that you provide to us during your orders on this website. collects four types of information about users:
- data that the user gives us when registering as a customer,
- data that the user gives us in order to execute his order from
- information that the user gives us in entries to competitions held from time to time.
When filling out any order form on our website, you will be asked for your full name, address, postal code of your area, your email address, your telephone number, credit card details, the method of payment of the order. In addition, you may also be asked for more specific information, such as shipping - delivery details of an order, billing details or details about an offer you have requested. makes use of the information you provide during the online submission of the form in order to contact you regarding (i) the delivery of the order to your location, (ii) for customer confirmation and identification in any necessary case, (iii) new or alternative products offered by, (iv) special offers of our online store, (v) receipt of gifts after a contest draw. You may choose whether or not you wish to receive such communications from by sending your request by e-mail to

Every order processing requires the collection of personal data for delivery or booking of an order. Also the use of a credit card, for the charging of which the identification documents of the legal owner are required, is guaranteed in every case. Any documentary evidence and document certifying and stating the identity of the customer remains strictly confidential. Your submission of your personal data means that you consent to the use of such data by our employees for the purposes mentioned above. The requires its employees and website maintainers to provide its users-clients with the level of security referred to in this Privacy Statement. Under no other circumstances may it share your personal information with others without your prior consent, unless required through legal channels. Any use of your personal data collected online without your prior consent may only take place in exceptional circumstances (for example in the case of a court order).

We will use your personal data for the purposes as described above. We do not collect or process more or other types of personal data than is necessary to fulfil the relevant purpose. We will only use personal data as set out in this privacy policy, unless you have specifically consented to another use of your personal data. If we intend to use your personal data that we process with your consent for purposes other than those disclosed in that consent, we will inform you in advance and, in cases where the processing is based on your consent, we will use your personal data for a different purpose only with your permission.

To continually improve and enhance our services, we may send you marketing emails related to our business that may be of interest to you. You can choose the types of communications you wish to receive at any time by updating your email preferences. You can also unsubscribe at any time. - We will not use your data for marketing purposes unless you have given your prior express and free consent. - However, for existing customers, we may use the email address we have received from you as part of our existing customer relationship to provide you with marketing materials related to similar products or services that you have previously requested, used or may be interested in. You may, however, object to this use at the time of collection and each time you send a message.

Legal obligations and legal defence We may need to use and retain personal data for legal and compliance purposes, such as preventing, detecting, or investigating a crime, preventing loss, fraud or any other misuse of our services and IT systems. We may also use your personal data for internal and external audit requirements, information security purposes, or to protect or exercise our rights, privacy, security, property, or those of others.

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